Thursday 2 May 2013

Twitter and me

I seem to be picking up some new followers on Twitter these days - I run a number of different accounts so I thought it might be worthwhile just highlighting the key ones so that people know which to follow and which to avoid.

Please feel free to follow any if you want updates on this blog and my two current podcasts - I autotweet new posts and podcasts on to all my accounts.

Localventure1 - this is my main personal account and I also use it for occasional business thoughts. It's the one I use most, mainly from the phone. If you want all my main business tweets plus personal musings on life, science fiction and martial arts this is the one to follow. Be warned though I do not automatically follow people who follow me here - I try and keep my timeline pruned and have a limit of 40 people I'll follow at anyone time - at the moment I'm at 37 and may prune again in the near future - you've got to be interesting to get a follow there !

philknightpch - this is my main work profile - I follow anyone involved in healthcare here and to be honest don't really generate much original content over announcement type tweets as above - it's more of a feed for me to catch up on the industry - if you work in healthcare or related sectors I'll probably follow you if you follow me.

whisky1 - this account is a throw back to an old business I owned, sold but kept the Twitter account. I keep it running as it has several thousand followers so it's a good well of tweeting out to a larger audience.

MLM4docs - this is the account linked to my medico legal business so it's quite niche and at the moment is a fairly quiet account - would suggest it would interest doctors and agency contacts only.

Hope that's of use and I look forward to welcoming you into my Twitterverse soon !

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