Monday 13 May 2013

Health News Updates

Just wanted to highlight a couple of health news stories today.

Firstly the right to die campaigners are back at court today. Link to news item :

I find the fascination the press has with this story bordering on the morbid - that is not to say I do not empathise with the campaigners or support them. My personal view is that euthanasia should be legal with relevant protection in place to protect the vulnerable and that no clinician should ever be punished for an assisted suicide - my concern is the depth of the coverage compared to other important medical issues and the relish with which the media report this story.

Secondly and this is pretty scary a virus linked to SARS with a death rate of 18 out of 34 victims - although I suspect the stats are being massaged by news outlets to make the story more news worthy and that the actual mortality figures are somewhat different in reality as is the likelihood of transmission. This story, interestingly has not had the prominence of the above euthanasia story (which has been on every TV bulletin I've seen today so far.

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