Wednesday 16 November 2016

Prospective new IFA professional introducers

In the last couple of weeks I have been writing to a number of new prospective IFA introducers in and around the North of England and if any of them has had time to check out this or other blog posts I would like to bid you welcome.

If always amazes me that in 22 years of working with and looking after IFA practices on the subject of medical insurance I still regularly find large, local practices that I have never heard of dotted all around the country.

My experience is that many IFA practices have the odd medical insurance plan or have shied away from writing that kind of business and my aim when working with them is very simple. To help them in this product area (with no extra work required) in such a way that their on-going relationship with their client is supported and both they and I receive additional income whilst the client receives professional, cogent advice on all of their medical insurance needs.

So if you represent an IFA practice that might consider sub-contracting advice on medical insurance to an independent healthcare adviser like myself please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Phil Knight
Nobemver 2016

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