Monday 1 February 2016

New Month, New Week, New Plan

Having gotten January out of the way, which is always an 'odd' month. Catching up after being off for  a week or two over Christmas and planning for the New Year plus with various things going on (not work related) in the background I have found that January has been a sporadic and bitty month.

So work-wise February is a little quieter and I am planning to do more marketing and client acquisition work moving forwards (hence me being more active on the blog as well I suppose). Anyway, the new month is a few hours old and I already feel more productive, my idea is that before I delve into my long to do list each day i get on with some important daily tasks and give them priority. So first of all I have some regulatory issues to clear off my desk - I have a client renewal form that I am always in backlog with and also need to update one file per day on my compliance providers internal system - these two tasks are dull but necessary and in total only take around ten to twenty minutes but are easy to put off. Second is marketing - at least one major marketing job per day. Lastly a social media job - maybe a blog post or series of tweets. This work only takes 45 mins to an hour in total - The point is that each morning before getting into the nitty gritty of returning e-mails or processing business or writing client reports etc I am going to get these basic jobs off my desk, the ones that often get left til last thing or put off until tomorrow but are vital to the functioning of my business.

Feel better, have a plan and am implementing.

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