Wednesday 5 June 2019

Fit Over 40

Bit of a change from work posts this morning.

Am on a bit of a health kick at the moment. The family and I are trying to eat a bit healthier at the moment, reducing processed foods and sugars whilst switching over to more fruit, roughage and cooking from scratch. In addition I'm ramping up the exercise level and have been for a few weeks now.

I regularly post about this on Twitter and Instagram and wondered if readers of the blog might give me the odd additional subscription or just a view !

I'd like to create something a bit more meaty that ties in health and fitness with entrepreneurship but need an awful lot more followers in order to justify spending the time on that as well as the 9-5.

Here's where you can find me :

@localventure1 and @fitover4T on Twitter plus pkn4395 on Instagram.

Look forward to seeing you there, remember #theonlyeasydaywasyesterday

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