Tuesday 3 May 2016

The power of e-mail for finding new Private Medical Insurance introducer contacts

When I first set up my business in 2010 I obtained new IFA and other professional introducers off the back of previous relationships - I had worked as a broker consultant for many years and obviously mined these relationships to track down new contacts who want to work with me, sub-contracting their medical insurance business to me.

This worked very well initially although obviously over time these contacts were exhausted so one moves on to the next strategy. I found Linkedin useful. In a previous iteration of the 'Facebook' for business you were able to mail people in the same group as yourself so I obtained several new contacts by messaging professionals in the same kinds of groups on Linkedin as myself. Then the format of messaging changed on Linkedin and this proved impractical to use as a marketing tool effectively.

So now in most cases I obtain new IFA professional introducers by referral, from social media (like this blog) and of course I sometimes just send likely looking practices an e-mail to introduce myself.

It is surprising how many good contact one can make if you are just open and honest about your intentions from the get go. So if you are an IFA/Accountant or General broker who has received an e-mail and finds your way to this blog, hi there, thanks for visiting and please feel free to contact me to discuss any aspect of private medical insurance (group and personal) for yourself or your clients.

Phil Knight
07792 075748

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