Tuesday 20 March 2018

Dog Walking Discourtesy

I have a 22 month old CockerPoo who is still mid-training. He will come to heel when called but is excitable and when walking, for his safety (i.e. I don't want to lose him) I do not currently allow him off lead. I also have a 14 year old Cocker Spaniel who is now a very slow walker. With these two dogs looking after them on lead is a task that requires care and concentration.

On my morning walk starting at 7.00am I am not interested in my dogs playing with other dog walkers pets. It hypes up the CockerPoo and distresses the older Cocker plus frankly at that time in the morning I just need to get the walk done and ensure I can get off to work. Surely that is not an unreasonable position ???

The reason for this post is that I'm frankly sick and tired of dog walkers with all the time in the world in the morning allowing their dogs off lead to harass me and my dogs without taking any action. Last week I had to actually tell another dog owner to control his dog and take it away as he idly watched his dog drive my younger dog mad for over 200 yards as I tried to continue my walk being literally 'dogged' by his animal - as a result I was forced to cut my walk short as my Cocker was distressed - shaking and whining and my shoulder problem (a serious injury I received 10 months ago) was aggravated by the effort of keeping my younger dog from breaking off lead and being lost next to a main road.

This kind of ignorance is staggering from other dog owners and it would be great if people could respect the fact that :

1) I don't know you or your dog and have no interest in being friends with either - it's 7.00am in the morning I'm barely conscious at this stage !

2) if I wanted my dog to play with yours it wouldn't be on a lead.

3) read the body language - it's pretty clear that I do not want to interact from the fact that I turn my back and carry on walking.

Lastly my message is this - if you can't control your dog then don't let it off the lead near other dogs.

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